Hugin-2016.2.0 Release Notes

Hugin is more than just a panorama stitcher.

Changes Since 2016.0.0


Most of the translations have been updated for this release.


Upgrading from previous versions of Hugin should be seamless. If you do have problems with old settings, these can be reset in the Preferences window by clicking 'Load defaults'.

It is strongly recommended to set the default control point detector to Hugin's CPFind. It is the only control point generator endorsed by Hugin. Third-party generators may be compatible with the plug-in architecture.


Users compiling from source refer to the list of dependencies and the platform-specific build processes described in the wiki. More information in the README and INSTALL_cmake files in the tarball.


Hugin can be found at SourceForge and Launchpad.

User communities produce executables for their respective platforms. Executables are likely to be announced within a few days of this tarball release on the mailing list and added to the download section on SourceForge.

Known Issues and Workarounds

There is a known issue on Linux: When starting Hugin the Photos tab is not correctly drawn. This happens only with GTK+3.20 and with some window managers (not all). This is a bug in wxWidgets and/or GTK+3.x and needs to be fixed upstream.

A workaround is to resize the Hugin window after start up, then the Photos tab is correctly draw.

For builders: We recommend therefore to compile Hugin with an older versions of GTK+2.x or GTK+3 <3.20.


Thanks to all the contributors to this release and members of the hugin-ptx mailing list, too many to mention here.